When We Faint

“I would have FAINTED, had I not believed I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living,” said David in Psalm 27:13.

God tells us in Isaiah 7:4 to “be quiet; fear not, neither be FAINTHEARTED …”

Jesus tells us in Luke 18:1 that we ought always to pray, and NOT FAINT.

But what about those times when we DO find ourselves “fainting,” despite His instructions … because, let’s face it, it DOES happen!

As I read those verses, I imagined the old-time movies where women collapsed into strong men’s arms while bystanders hovered over them with concern, offering smelling salts and comfort.

I recalled that those fainting ladies of yore were completely helpless! They couldn’t do ANYTHING! In fact, their legs bore not the weight. All these damsels in distress could do was to fall into the arms of a nearby strong man from Hollywood!

Well, we, too, have Someone who’s nearby …

but He’s not from Hollywood.

He’s from a far greater place!

He is a Strong Tower, mighty to save!

Strong enough to bear the weight of our heaviest load!

So when we grow faint because of life’s burdens, can we not just collapse into Him? Oh, that we could BE STILL and know that He is God!

Lord, help us all to lean into your strong arms today … knowing that, in Your time, You will administer Your celestial smelling salts and revive us again!

Someone needs to hear this today!

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